Thursday, March 5, 2009

Explication of "Pastoral"

Our group is going to analyze and explicate the poem "Pastoral" by Michael Gullickson. What do we want to do? How do we want to do it? When are we going to do it?
So far I've put a PowerPoint that looks really bad and power-point-ish but then looks really good. I will add Wordles and other stuff, but we need to analyze it too. I hope we have a lot of time on Monday to work on it.

1 comment:

BernardoT2012 said...

Okay, it took me a while to find this, sorry.

I think we should use voice thread, it works like a powerpoint with audio, or we can actually use powerpoint and I think I can get audio on it. That way it's easier to work with. I think we need somewhere better to communicate, like a chat room. First thing's first, as a group we have to analyze it and write everything down. This is going to be very tight on time.